Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What They (OFWs) Wanted for Christmas...

I just found out about an amazing thing that CocaCola did for some folks from the Philippines... specifically OFWs... overseas Filipino workers... (it really messed me up with the spelling of the country starting with "Ph" and the acronym having an F in it for Filipino...; )

I wasn't aware of this acronym much less how many of these people have left their homeland in order to provide for their families... I found the number to be staggering... over 11 million!!!

I learned of this project on a very interesting and unique blog I just discovered (by way of Pinterest)...
You are Talking Too Much - how'd'ya like that for a blog name? Could easily be mine but it's already taken... ; )

You could read about it as I did on this gal's website (click link above) and start by reading her very appropriate little "into" to the video (re: family drama at Christmastime)... she's got a link to it... or you can click here and go directly to the YouTube video... it's less than 5 minutes but I doubt you'll finish watching it with dry eyes...

After watching the video, I still didn't know what OFW stood for so of course I "binged" it and that is where I found this fella's blog... Neil IS an OFW... check out his short bio here.

I can't begin to imagine what these families have endured! We are so blessed to be in the same country with our family members! Just one more thing (among many) that we take for granted...

Hope you're having a great week!

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