Tuesday, November 29, 2011


One of my first "church lady" cards...
image is a magnet to be removed from card.
Sorry I didn't get anything posted yesterday... I was doin' so good there for a few days anyway... guess I'm not gonna put that kinda pressure on myself (to post every day)... maybe 4-5 times a week... think I can handle that... we'll see...
This card has a removable magnet on the front... the image is one by Emerson and he's done quite a few with this "church lady" as I call her... I have four now I think... this was the first one I got... it says "Listen Honey... God didn't promise it would be easy... He just promised it would be worth it."
I stamped the image, colored it with markers and then ran it through my Zyron machine that normally would coat the back with sticky... however, I accidentally bought the wrong refill in Michael's while in a rush one day and found out when I got home that it was magnetic material... it's SO COOL because it laminates the image and puts the magnet material on the back -- all at once!
After laminating it, I glued a crystal-like flower shape over the flower on her hat and used crystal effects on her coffee mug....
The four "church lady" images that I have all start with "Listen Honey"... I just think they're a hoot... kinda like Hallmark's Maxine but perhaps a little more "reverent"... ; )
My good friend Paola (in BC Canada) also likes these images and I hope to get one of the magnets in the mail to her... TODAY (tomorrow-Wednesday) is her 60th birthday!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET P!!! Sent her a big box of goodies (including some of my famous oatmeal choc chip w/dates, nuts, and coconut, and Vanilla and Orange Baking Emulsion... they are soooooooooooooo good... of course, they may be reduced to crumbs by the time they get to her... ; )
Paola... I'm so glad we found one another... BTW... discovered another thing we have in common while looking at your pics... RVing!!!!   We have a small (older) class C motorhome... so maybe we meet somewhere half way in the future? LOL...HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY GIRLFRIEND!

1 comment:

~Paola~ said...

wowww....this IS such a surpriseeee!! Kathy I feel humbled and honoured to read of such treat!!I had tears streming down my cheeks as I kept on reading...and feeling more flabbergasted...blessed...in awe....*soo many feelings all at ONCE!* what to say??? I to am THANKFUL our paths have 'met'...and yes..on the RV'ing...we must talk sometimes in regards...I wonder how far are we from each other??? Looking forward to your home made treats...crumbs and all...Such labour of love makes me feel soooo lucky indeed, and seeing that gorgeous cards and all the details that went into it...well...as I said earlier...I feel blessed....and spoiled too...*wink* THANK YOU KINDLY MY FRIEND!!! *luv ya*...
and glad that blogger now seems to be working again *fingers crossed* LOL....*muwahh*